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Hey everyone! At FARM2COOK meat shop here in Texas, United States, we found that chicken used to be every customer’s Achilles heel. As it’s a long Summer break, nothing goes without a perfect time for Barbequing or BBQ Chicken. Barbeque Chicken is a grilled chicken covered in tangy n smoky flavored sauce. The art of BBQ chicken is entirely into the culinary delight and marinade sauce base.


Truthfully, we didn't mean that you couldn't cook in the kitchen but the fact is nothing can win over a good bird grilled for evening dining, family festival, or party season. I wish I would elaborate the story of throwing on some party mood or oh yeah this can be put in some other article so that you could be interested in our FARM2COOK blog. So, right now let's dive in to check whether the splendid bird flies. Honestly, barbecue-style chicken cooking isn’t a vegan choice of blend-in meal…but you do can try it with some broccoli, carrots, and sweet corn grills.




Before you turn the classic grill marks over your sweet little bird, make sure you get the right piece of fresh chicken meat from the FARM2COOK shop. Here are some of the best quality barbeque-suited chicken cuts you must choose.


LOVE READING: Top Health Benefits Of Chicken


CHICKEN THIGH: While grilling, bone-in and skin-on chicken thighs stay delicious. Set on the grill with the skin flat side. If you can't locate bone-in and skin-on thighs, boneless and skinless chicken thighs are an excellent substitute.


CHICKEN BREAST: To conserve as much moisture in the chicken as necessary, season or marinate it ahead of schedule and spray it with sauce on a regular basis. These processes are extremely vital for grilled chicken breasts, which can quickly dry up.


CHICKEN WINGS: Chicken wings are a popular cut for barbecue chicken and are essential for preparing hot wings. These keep their moisture while cooking because they have the bone and skin on, but they will drain away if you overdo them.


CHICKEN DRUMSTICK: Guess everyone's favorite in a Bird? Drumsticks are a meaty cut that is generally provided with the bone in and the skin on, similarly to chicken wings. This gives them a richer aroma than other barbecue chicken pieces. They cook quickly, so keep a keen eye on them and use a meat thermometer if you have one.


WANNA TRY NEW RECIPE: Honey Balsamic Chicken Drumsticks


WHOLE CHICKEN: Grilled chicken is quite famous in many countries globally. Cooking a full, raw chicken on the grill without overcooking certain sections and undercooking is often impossible. To eliminate this, use a cooking method called spatchcocking, which entails removing the chicken's core bones and flattening them. This guarantees that the entire bird cooks more quickly and equally.


Note it- You can use a tray to collect chicken stock and use it later for the special sauce.




Nothing can beat the season of chicken marination when it comes to BBQ. Once you have selected the right chicken cut from FARM2COOK.COM, marinade it with texas’ flavors of town. Remember…only marinating the chicken, brings the perfect grill aroma to life. In upcoming blogs, you may find some of the inspiring ideas of MARINADES. Until then, just hang on a min…


Choose tender meat, wrap in a flavorful sauce, prep your grill by pre-heating, grease with oil, maintain the heat, and grill the chicken cuts by oiling both sides. Now your perfect Barbeque Chicken is ready, pair it with any dish or salad. Best for summer parties and lazy evenings!!!


I do accept that life has a lot of choices, try out the tastiest chicken grill with flavors of your choice. Share us your feedback in the comment section below. We love to hear from you.


Bon Appetit!

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