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Please add products to compare. Privacy Policy should make you understand how we use and protect personal data when you visit our platform. The use of ("us," "we," "our", “you”) are frequently used mentioning the reader and website.
We withhold the right to modify this policy which will be updated to you promptly. If you want to make sure you're up to date with the latest updates, we'll remind you to check this page regularly.
We may collect the following data when you visit the Website:
IP Address
Email address Contact information.
Online Behavior
Device Activity
Following are the reason why we are collecting your personal data:
To recognize your needs better.
To enhance the services and products that we offer.
We think you will find it useful to give you promotional emails containing the details.
Contact you to complete surveys and take part in other aspects of market research.
Personalize our website to suit your behavior online and your personal choices. is dedicated to the safeguarding and confidentiality of your personal information. has accomplished everything in its power to prevent data theft, illegal users, and disclosure by implementing state-of-the-art technologies and software to help us protect all the data we collect online.